Donald Trump Blocks Croatian OECD Entry
March the 4th, 2025 – More bizarre behaviour from the administration across the pond as Donald Trump blocks the much desired Croatian OECD entry.
As writes, customs and tariff issues that have become a burning topic following Trump taking office. It seems it’s now Croatia’s turn to be diplomatically walloped. As it is understood, tariff issues between the US and the European Union have temporarily halted the vote on Croatian OECD entry (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development).
In 19 out of 25 OECD committees, Croatia has closed its accession discussions, but when it came to trade, the vote was postponed until further notice.
As has since been unofficially learned, the reason for the current block on Croatian OECD entry is not bilateral relations between Croatia and the US, but rather a possible consequence of the customs conflict between the US and the European Union.
“Croatia has completed its accession discussions before 19 out of 25 committees for accession to the OECD. This is far more than all other countries in the accession process. In total, there are seven other countries in the accession process, in addition to Croatia,” the government has revealed.
Out of the 19 committees, 17 have already issued their formal opinions. The formal opinions of the Environment Committee and the Trade Committee still remain to be heard.
“The vote has not yet been completed. When the conditions are met, the vote within the Trade Committee will also be completed. We’ve had some similar situations so far, which we have resolved during this process. We’re in contact with our American partners and colleagues in the OECD. We’ll work together on finding a solution,” the government very briefly and diplomatically stated.
The news that Donald Trump is what currently blocks Croatian OECD entry may mean that this is the first of many instances of Croatia becoming collateral damage in tense US-EU relations.
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