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Croatian Satellite Beams Images Home From Space

Croatian Satellite Beams Images Home From Space
  • PublishedFebruary 11, 2025

February the 11th, 2025 – The very first Croatian satellite has beamed images of the country home to Earth from the darkness of space.

Space lovers will likely recall CroCube, the first Croatian satellite which measures just 10cm X 10cm in size. It took to space as part of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket back in December last year, and has since sent images back home of Croatia from far, far away.

CroCube is part of a crowdfunded mission and a 124,000 US dollar project which aims to gather data and also foster a sense of interest in space in the country.

The Croatian satellite image of the country from high above shows clouds covering almost the entire length of the country, which is so typical for the time of year. Those of us in Zagreb are certainly all too familiar with the end of year fog and cloud which forms a thick coat in the skies above. The image was initially beamed down on January the 31st.

“Croatia is now among the countries to have had its picture taken from orbit,” stated the team’s mission when first sharing the beautiful image on social media.

The team also explained that they had successfully identified Croatia’s outlines and mountain ranges from the image beamed down from the Croatian satellite CroCube despite the dense cloud coverage.
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